Celebrate Uniqueness, Cherish Life.

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Birth Details

Captures essential birth details such as date, time, and place of birth. This data provides a foundational narrative of the baby's unique entry into the world.

Behavioral Indicators

Provides insights into potential personality traits and behaviors. These indicators help parents understand their child's natural inclinations and tendencies.

Health Metrics

Includes vital health information like APGAR scores, weight, and length. This section offers a comprehensive snapshot of the baby's health at birth.

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Parental Insights

Details about the parents, such as their birth dates and personal traits. These insights highlight the family heritage and influences on the baby's development.

Celestial Influences

Explores astrological elements like Western zodiac signs. These influences add a unique dimension to the baby's birth story, connecting it to larger cosmic patterns.

Family Keepsake

Crafted with premium materials, the birth record is an heirloom-quality piece. This keepsake is designed to be cherished and passed down through generations.

How It Works

Step 1: Choose your birth record

Select a design that resonates with you and your baby.

View Birth Record Styles

Step 2: Complete birth bio details

Add your baby’s birth details such as date and time of birth.

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Step 3: Receive your birth record

Your personalized birth record will be crafted and delivered.

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Celebrate Their Uniqueness

Embrace the enchanting journey of your little one's arrival by capturing their uniqueness through a personalized birth record.

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Our Flagship Productt

The Triad

A Captivating Family Collection

Cherish Fatherhood, Embrace Motherhood,  and Celebrate Your Newborn with the Family Set of Personalized Birth Records.


What Our Customers Are Saying

Baby Briefs

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The Mosaic

A Diverse Array of Memories
